51 Supper foods that increase buttocks and hips (best bigger butt foods)

Top 51 foods that go straight to your thighs and hips

if you are reading this probably may have searched for what foods go straight to your thighs and hips and or bigger hips and thighs with food. In this post, I will give you my 51 best foods that go straight to your thighs and hips. These foods are the building blocks of a bigger bum, thighs, hips, and a slim waistline.

what foods go straight to your thighs and hips

There is no specific food that would directly go to your hips and thighs however with the right meal and training and of course genetics there are foods that can absolutely affect you gaining more weight on the hips more than other body parts.

So it is important that you know  that weight gain and fat distribution throughout your body are influenced by a lot of factors, such as genetics, hormone levels, and overall lifestyle, not just diet alone. Maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise are key to managing your body weight and composition which in essence can lead to your body gaining size on your hips and thighs or there other ways around. 

So when it comes to building side glute  or your thighs there are to 2 main things that makes them bigger in size.

  • i) Is Exercise and
  • ii) Nutrient Dense Food

I will not discuss the exercise part in todayโ€™s post, but you can see this article for exercises to grow your hips and thigh where i lay out the necessary steps to take when working to see the result.

Letโ€™s focus on my top 51 foods that go straight to your thighs, hips AND butt in this list. Please make sure pin the image below for future reference.

Mind you there are no specific food that makes a particular body part bigger than the rest body, however, eating nutritious food, combined with an appropriate exercise routine for the body part your like to build is what helps you gain size on the glute, hip and thighs.

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You might also love to read this article on How You Can Grow Your Glute Maximus and Side Glute Muscle in Weeks and this other post on How to Lose Belly Fat with Waist trainer + Foods to Eat While Waist Training to get a smaller waist. Having a small waist makes your booty appear bigger and fuller.

51 Foods that go Straight to Your Thighs & Glutes (How to Get Thicker Thighs by Eating)

These 51 foods are categorized into 3 main class, which are i) Carbohydrate, ii) Fat, iii) Protein.  Letโ€™s take a look at the first class.

#1 Class โ€“ Carbohydrates

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I know most of you think carbohydrates are not good because of the common misconception that it stores mostly on the stomach.

Well, I want to tell you that such a perception is wrong.

Instead,  stomach fat is stored as a result of eating excess calorie above maintenance calorie.

Calories are present in all kinds of food including fruits and veggie that you so consider as most healthy.

On the contrary, carbohydrate can be a source of glycogen for our hips and thigh muscle.

If you donโ€™t know, Glycogen is the final energy unit that is saved in the muscles for the body to able to perform its daily function without burning muscles or tissues.

The primary way to generate glycogen is from carbohydrate,  that one reason you need carbohydrate daily.

If you donโ€™t eat carbs, your body can burn the small thighs and hips muscle you already have as energy in the form of glycogen.

Though you need to eat carbohydrate, not all types of carbs are good for you.

If you donโ€™t want to accumulate fat on other body parts that you donโ€™t want, it important you eat mostly complex carbs which what give you in the post.

So letโ€™s looks at the list of healthy complex carbohydrate to eat.

Related Articles:

11 CARBOHYDRATE Foods that go Straight to Your Thighs & Hips!

This list is gotten from Complex carbs because they are the one that has nutritional value to grow your hips and thigh and balance up any hormonal problems.

They also have sufficient calorie to serves as energy to your hips and thigh so you donโ€™t burn muscle down there.

  • #1 โ€“ Sweet Potatoes
  • #2 โ€“ Irish Potatoes
  • #3 โ€“ Pasta
  • #4 โ€“ Rice (brown or white)
  • #5 โ€“ Banana
  • #6 โ€“ Oatmeal
  • #7 โ€“ Corn
  • #8 โ€“ Buckwheat
  • #9 โ€“ Squash
  • #10 โ€“ Whole Wheat Bread
  • #11 โ€“ Beans and legumes

So here you have my best carbohydrate also these foods that help buttocks grow, including hips and thighs

#2 Class- Fat (Healthy Fat Foods That Increase Hips Size+Thighs)

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Fat is another class of foods that go straight to your thighs and hips which should not be neglected.

Though carbohydrates are the main energy source in the body, your body also turns to fat when there is no carbohydrate to use as energy.

Aside from that fat helps your body to absorb some vitamins like Vitamin A, D, E and K.

These fat-soluble vitamins cannot be absorbed in your hips and thigh muscle if you donโ€™t eat fat.

I am sure you know that these vitamins are essential parts of your daily diet. If you donโ€™t know here is what they do below.

Vitamin A keeps your eyes healthy and promotes good vision,

Vitamin D helps in the protection of your bones and makes them strong by boosting calcium absorption,

Vitamin E defends cells by neutralizing all kinds of free radicals in your body

Vitamin K is essential in clotting your blood

And finally, fat helps regulate your body temperature and are stored close to your muscle for the preservation of your thigh and hips muscle.

Though fat is unquestionably important in our daily meals, it should be consumed in moderation.

Just 1 gram of fat has 9 calories, which is like double the amount of calories you can get from carbohydrates and protein.

And if you eat an excess of it too rapidly you stand a chance of storing the fat on other parts of your body other than your thighs and hips.

There are healthy and unhealthy fat choices.

I listed only the healthy ones below because these kind of fat are easily digestible and have less tendency to be stored on some odd body parts that you do not want fat on.

6 Healthy Fatty Foods that go Straight to Your Hips and Thighs and foods that increase hips size

  • #12 โ€“ Avocado
  • #13 โ€“ Olives
  • #14 โ€“ All kinds of NUTS
  • #15 โ€“ Fatty Fish.
  • #16 โ€“ Peanut Butter
  • #17 โ€“ Walnuts

#3 Class- Protein 

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We are finally here my favourite foods class. Proteins are my favourite because it is the building blocks of all body parts.

Whether you ARE trying to build chest or booty, hips or thighs, protein is your man.

Protein is directly the food class that helps your body to grow flesh on the hips and thighs.

They help for the development of a new cell, tissue/muscles and even for the repair of any worn-out cell and tissues.

By eating high protein food your thighs and hips will have the nutrients they need to grow bigger in size?

Protein is made of amino acids, these amino acids are the building blocks of protein. You can just say; amino acids are the smaller elements that protein is made up off.

There are 22 amino acids all PUT together that the human body needs in other function properly.

10 of them are essential amino acids( that means your body cannot synthesize or produce them in your body on its own).

So they have to be obtained from the food we eat. (Two out of these, are essential only for children i.e.  arginine and histidine ).

The nonessential amino acids are the ones that if you donโ€™t get from food, your body can manufacture by them yourself from fats, carbs, and other amino acids.

These 3 glutamine, ornithine, and taurine are somewhere in between essential and nonessential for human beings.

They become essential under certain conditions, like in the case of injury and disease.

The last 2 marked asterisks are essential for children and nonessential for adults.

You will need to eat food that contains these remaining essential amino acids for your hips and thighs to grow bigger. The list after the table below will show you the foods to eat to get remaining amino acids.

Essential Amino Acids Nonessential Amino Acids
Isoleucine Alanine
Leucine Asparagine
Lysine Aspartic acid
Methionine Citrulline
Phenlyalanine Cysteine
Threonine Glutamic acid
Tryptophan Glycine
Valine Hydroxyglutamic acid
Serine Norleucine
Tyrosine Proline
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20 Protein Food that Goes to Your Bum and Thighs and Hips

You will need about 1.5 to 2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of your body weight daily, in other to grow your thighs and hips.

Food for side glute increase

Here are the list of foods to get the essential amino acids from:

Beef Group

  • #18 โ€“ Red Meat** โ€“ 4 oz. = 32 grams protein
  • #19 โ€“  Steak, โ€“ 6 oz. = 42 grams protein
  • #20 โ€“ Hamburger patty, 4 oz. = 28 grams protein

Chicken Group

  • #21 โ€“ Chicken breast โ€“ 3.5 oz. -= 30 grams protein
  • #22 โ€“ Chicken thigh = 10 grams protein (for average size)
  • #23 โ€“ Drumstick = 11 grams protein
  • #24 โ€“ Wing = 6 grams protein
  • #25 โ€“ Chicken meat, cooked, 4 oz. = 35 grams protein
  • #26 โ€“ Lean turkey** โ€“ 4 oz. = 22 grams protein
  • #27 โ€“ Turkey breast โ€“ 4 oz. = 28 grams protein

Fish Group

Most fish fillets or steaks are about 22 grams of protein for 3 ยฝ oz (100 grams) of cooked fish, or 6 grams per ounce

  • #28 โ€“ Tuna, 6 oz. can = 40 grams of protein
  • #29 โ€“ Shellfish** โ€“ 4 oz. = 17grams protein (very high in sodium and can cause fat storage and bloating)

Pork Group

  • #30 โ€“ Pork Meat** โ€“ 4oz = 22 grams protein
  • #31 โ€“  Pork loin or tenderloin, 4 oz. =29 grams
  • #32 โ€“  Ham, 3 oz. serving =19 grams
  • #33 โ€“  Ground pork, 1 oz. raw = 5 grams; 3 oz. cooked =22 grams

#34 โ€“  Bacon, 1 slice = 3 grams

Eggs โ€“ and Dairy Group

  • #35 โ€“ Full Egg** โ€“ large = 6 grams protein
  • #36 โ€“ Egg white โ€“ 1/2 cup = 13 grams protein
  • #37 โ€“ Milk โ€“ 1 cup = 8 grams
  • #38 โ€“ Lactaid milk -1 cup = 8grams protein
  • #39 โ€“ Almond milk โ€“ 1 cup =1 gram protein
  • #40 โ€“ Soy milk, 1 cup =7 -10 grams protein (check label)
  • #41 โ€“ Soy yogurt โ€“ 1 cup =8 grams
  • #42 โ€“  Protein shakes โ€“ 1 cup = 20-50 grams protein (depending on items used to prepare it)
  • #43 โ€“ Cottage cheese โ€“ ยฝ cup = 15 grams protein
  • #44 โ€“ Fat free Yogurt โ€“ 1 cup = 8-12 grams protein, check label
  • #45 โ€“  Regular cheeses โ€“ 2 oz. = 14 grams protein
  • #46 โ€“  Medium cheeses (Cheddar, Swiss) = 7 or 8 grams protein per oz.
  • #47 โ€“  Hard cheeses -2 oz. = 20 grams protein

Beans Group

  • #48 โ€“  Tofu, ยฝ cup =20 grams protein
  • #49 โ€“ Tofu, 1 oz. =, 2.3 grams
  • #50 โ€“ Soy beans, ยฝ cup cooked = 14 grams protein
  • #51 โ€“ Split peas, ยฝ cup cooked = 8 grams protein

This is How to Get Thicker Thighs by Eating. You selectively include these 51 Foods that go Straight to Your Thighs & Hips to your meal.

You do not necessarily need to eat all every day. All you have to do pick one of two from each class and make sure the total calorie is a little above your maintenance calorie and youโ€™re good.

Also, bear in mind that these food work best when you combine them with thigh and hip exercise training.

For my recommended exercises for a bigger thigh and hips please take look at this blog post.

Please help share this article if you find the information helpful, who knows someone might need it.

See this video for my recommended exercises to make your bum bigger and rounder

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