Have you ever looked ways on ย how to slim calves and thighs fast or maybe you are looking just how to lose calf fat female? Well in this article I will show you how to make calves smaller to fit in boots. So if you ever wondered โare my calves fat or muscularโ? And is it possible to reduce them, then you need to stick around and read through this article.
Fat calves, particularly for females can give one a top-heavy look an make some ladies uncomfortable. This can be worse if the size of your thighs is uneven when compared to your calf and the rest of your body. Be sure to also post on Pant/jeans for perfect legs and glute while work to improve the appreance of the calves.
Fat calves genetics can be responsible for why some people appear to gather fat on the back of the lower legs.
However, there are some exercises you can perform to help you get rid of big calves; whether fat or muscular calves.

How to Lose Calf Fat Female + 7 Exercises to Lose Calf Fat
To lose calf fat as a female, you need a combination of targeted exercises for the calf and a general fat burning and weight loss cardio routine while maintaining a calorie deficit with your diet. Then you have to also eat clean healthy satisfying food high in protein, fruits high in protein, complex carbohydrates and veggies. Take out the simple carbs, like sugar, popcorn, pastries and dairy food.
For more healthy tips and best food selection tips please visit this article on food to build lean muscle. After choosing this article then come back here because this article is where I discuss workouts/ exercises to lose calf fat.
Don’t forget your overall result will come from a consistent and regular exercise routine, diet and lifestyle changes. That is only will to slim down your claves and thigh fat fast.
So if you are ready lest get into the 7 targeted workout to Lose Calf Fat quickly and that will be follow by general total body fat burner workout video routine to perform along side the calf exercise.
Related Article: How to Grow a Bigger legs

7 Targeted Exercises to Lose Calf Fat
On how to get rid of calf muscle, there are exercises to lose calf fat and general body fat.
Most people feel there are special exercises that can help you to lose fat in one part of your body without affecting the other parts. This is a wrong notion.
However, there are some exercises to lose calf fat if they are executed properly.
Losing calf fat is ideal to help you develop long and slender muscles, help your leg look slimmer, and generally reduce the size of your calves.
Here are seven (7) exercises that can help you lose calf fat.
1. Seated Calf Raises with Weights

On how to get rid of calf muscle, you can perform seated calf raises using weights. However, you can first start off without weights. This exercise on how to slim calves and thighs fast basically targets the calves.
How to perform seated calf raise to get rid of calf muscle:
- Sit on a chair and clutch a dumbbell in each hand.
- Your feet should be on the floor while the handles of the dumbbells should be on your thighs, just above your knees.
- Look straight and maintain straightness of your spine with your legs being shoulder-width apart.
- Place the balls of your feet on the floor and raise your heels.
- Hold pose for a second before lowering heels to the floor.
- Repeat 3 sets of 20 reps.
2. Calf Stretch

This exercise is effective on how to make calves smaller to fit in boots. You can achieve slim calves and thighs fast with calf stretch with targets the calves and hamstrings.
How to Perform Calf Stretch to get rid of calf muscle:
- Position yourself to face a wall while placing your right foot frontward close to the wall and the left foot in the rear.
- Place both elbows and forearms on the wall while maintaining a shoulder-width distance separately.
- Then gradually lower your glutes and core and push against the wall with your forearm so that you feel a stretch in your left calf and hamstring.
- Change your legs and repeat process.
- Do 2 sets of 3 reps.
3. Standing Calf Raises

This is among the exercises to lose calf fat and make calves smaller to fit in boots. This workout on how to lose fat in calves and ankles mainly targets the calves and hamstrings.
How to perform Standing Calf Raises to slim calves and thighs fast:
- Stand and chest out, set your feet shoulder-width apart and shoulders rolled back.
- Rest your hands on your waist and look forward.
- Hoist both heels and poise your body on the balls of your feet.
- Maintain this pose for a second, and then lower your heels to the floor.
- Repeat again.
- You should feel your calves burn and melt some fat if you are doing it correctly.
- Do 3 sets of 25 reps.
4. Single Leg Squats

Single leg squats is an effective workout on how to get rid of calf muscle and even fat calves genetics. This helpful workout to get rid of big calves typically focuses on the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.
How to perform Single Leg Squats to lose calf fat:
- Maintain an erect position while placing your legs hip-width apart.
- Raise your right leg from the floor in front of you while concurrently raising both arms in front with the palms downwards.
- Bend your left knee and get into a sitting stance while your right foot is flexed.
- Hold this pose for a second or two and then straighten your left leg and get back to the starting position.
- Complete 10 reps on one leg
- Switch over to the other leg and repeat
- Do 2 sets of 10 reps.
5. Jump Squats

Jump squats are among the exercises to lose calf fat. This workout on how to slim calves and thighs fast target the glutes, calves, hamstrings, and quads.
How to perform Jump Squats to lose fat in calves and ankles:
- Maintain an upright stance while placing your legs shoulder-width apart, chest out, and shoulders rolled back.
- Thrust out your glutes and bend your knees
- Take on a squat or sitting on a chair position.
- Filch your hands up above your head and jump concurrently.
- Do 3 sets of 15 reps.
6. Weighted Sumo Squat With Calf Raise

This exercise on how tohow to lose fat in calves and ankles should be performed regularly to help eliminate fat calves genetics and make your calves smaller to fit into a boot.
This is one of the top exercises to lose calf fat which centers on your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves.
How To Perform Weighted Sumo Squat with Calf Raise to get rid of big calves:
- Use both hands to clutch one dumbbell
- Maintain a stance that has your legs wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Turn your feet out and look ahead.
- Keep your back straight, and roll your shoulders back while chest is out.
- Bend both the knees
- Bring down your torso to the extent that your hips are approximately in line with your thighs.
- Maintain this pose for few seconds and then slowly raise your body.
- Your heels should be downwards and bend both your knees to a sumo squat.
- Do 3 sets of 12 reps.
7. Skater Hops

This workout on how to get rid of big calves effectively targets the glutes, calves, hamstrings, and quads.
How to perform Skater Hops to lose calf fat:
- Assume an upright stance while keeping your legs together.
- Flex your knees slightly and lift your right foot off the floor.
- Flex your right knee completely to achieve a 90 degrees angle between your shin and thigh
- Your legs should be wider than shoulder width apart
- Hop on your left leg and land on your right foot while lifting your left foot off the floor concurrently.
- Bend your left knee fully so that your shin and thigh are at 90 degrees with each other.
- Hop on your right leg and land on your left foot.
- Do 3 sets of 12 reps.
Total Body Workout to Burn Fat All over to Lose Weight and Lose Calf Fat.
Please Follow this Routine to burn fat allover your body. You cant just spot reduce fat on the calf, you have to lower your general body fat percentage in other to lose the calf fat.
Are My Calves Fat or Muscular?
Most people are uncertain if their calves are fat or muscular. Well, I will say that the calves are a made up of both fat and muscles though most persons have more muscle than fat on their calf.
Whether you have more fat or muscle on you calf is totally dependent on genetics and a few other factors.
Muscles and fat are both responsible for giving your calves a bigger look. Several factors such as genetics, strenuous workouts, and weight gain are accountable for a fat or muscular calves.
This means that for some person they will be more muscular on their calf than others.
If the cause of your fat or muscular calves is genetic, it may be difficult to get rid of it with only workouts.
You may have to consider calf reduction surgery to get slimmer calves.
However, fat calves and muscular calves that are acquired can be reduced with the right exercises we discussed above.
Conclusion on How to Lose Calf Fat Female + 7 Exercises to Lose Calf Fat
These are the seven (7) exercises to lose calf fat and achieve slimmer and more attractive calves.
In addition to these exercises, ensure you eat slimming foods like vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, whole wheat flour, and lead protein sources. You can also peruse through our previous article on tasty and nutritious weight loss smoothies you can prepare at home.
Also, it when trying to lose calf fat, it would help to curb or reduce your intake of fattening foods such as deep fried chicken, pizza, processed meat, wafers, and fries.
Inasmuch as you want to achieve fast results, you should avoid carrying out intense exercises that mounts excess pressure on your calves.
This is because the essence of your exercises to lose calf fat is to burn excess fat in that region and not to make them muscular and bulky.