7 days: diet plan to lose belly fat in 2 weeks

7 Day Flat Stomach Challenge (Diet Plan to Lose Belly Fat in 2 Weeks or Less)

Everyone has belly fat but some are bigger than the others but the question is, can you lose stomach fat in 7 days or 14 days?  Well, we will found out in this post and possibly show to as well.

Belly fat is one of the most difficult fats to get rid of. Too much of it can affect your health because itโ€™s mostly stored under the skin, around the heart, liver, lungs, and other important organs.

This is one of the reasons why you need to do everything possible to rid of your belly fat. Another reason why you need to eliminate belly fat is so that you can be able to wear any type of clothes you want.

A big stomach can affect your self-esteem and stop you from wearing that hug fitting dress you want.

This post is going to enlighten you on how you can lose belly fat in just 2 weeks while kicking it off with a 7 day flat stomach challenge which includes exercise to reduce belly fat for female at home with pictures and videos and a 7 day diet plan to lose belly fat in 2 weeks.

So you basically will see 4 easy targeted exercises to reduce belly fat for female at home and a 20 minutes general body fat burner routine to help increase your calorie because that is the only way you can lose belly fat fast.

So some people wonder it is really possible to lose stomach fat in 7 days, well here is how it works.

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Can you lose stomach fat in 7 days?

Base on science and studies done, it has shown that one lose belly fat within 7 days depending on how much fat you have on your belly.   Scientifically, to lose a pound of belly fat in one 7 days, you will need to burn around 3,500 calorie from your stomach.

This mean the more pounds of fat you have your belly, the longer it will take for you to lose them totally.  

The down side to this is that, you cannot burn 3,500 calorie just from your belly so you burn it off from your entire body and your belly losing fat as well.

One thing you should know about losing any kind of fat is that the result you get depends solely on how active and determined you are in relation to your overall food consumption.  

Stomach fat takes lots of years to gain, so you need to give yourself time and work hard to get rid of it. If you want a fast result, all you have to do is do the right exercises.

This means you need to do exercise that will solely target your stomach fat. Then make important changes to your meals. It is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

If you can do these two consistently and without backing down, you will begin to see impressive changes in 7 days.

This does not mean all your belly fat will disappear but you will shed lots of calories. Then in few weeks, you will begin to have a flat belly.

Learn more on How Many Calories Should a Woman Eat In a Day to Lose Weight? to be on a safe side.

Healthy tip on how to lose belly fat in 1 week and get flat stomach

The type of fat in the belly is the visceral fat. It does not matter the type of body size you have but you need to do everything possible to rid yourself of it.

Too much of belly fat can affect your life in ways you cannot imagine. Some of the fat is beneath the skin while others are stored around other internal organs like you lungs, heart, and liver.

Belly fat can also lead to various diseases in the body. It increases the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.  It is quite harmful and should be avoided at all cost.

Shedding off your belly fat can be of great benefits to you. It will reduce the chance of you having harmful health problems. Additionally, it improves your physical appearances.

The healthiest way to get rid of belly fat is to make conscious changes to your diet and then most importantly, you need to cut down your calories or food consumption. Stay away from food that will offer your body nothing. I call them empty calorie food. Examples are things like soda, alcohol, pasties, sugar etc.  

Avoid taking processed food, refined sugar, chocolates, and so on. In addition, stay away from alcoholic beverages, caffeine, and carbonated drinks.

Removing all this from your life will be the beginning of achieving your dream belly. Eating them always make it difficult to get rid of belly fat.

You can eat food like whole grains, eggs, green tea, peanuts, avocado, and so on. They have properties that will help you burn fat fast.

Improving your diet will help but it might not yield a fast result. If you really want to see changes in your belly within 1 week, you should add exercise to the weight loss plan.

When you work out often, you will burn lots of calories in before 1 week elapses.


4 Easy Exercise to Reduce Belly Fat for Female at Home with Pictures & Videos

These exercises are what you can do at home without any equipment. They are very effective for females to lose belly fat.

Sit ups

shapeminow sit ups | ShapeMiNow is your go-to store for all kinds of body shapers, dresses, and statement pieces.

To do this, lie down on a mat on your back. Let your feet be rooted firmly on the ground while the knees are bent. Then put your two hands at the back of your head. Avoid pulling your neck while maintaining this position. Now, begin to lift your body slowly towards your bent knees. Avoid putting your hands on the ground for support. Exhale as you do this and then lower yourself to the ground. As you return to the starting position, inhale.

Bicycle crunches

You can get into this position shortly after the sit up. Still in you lying down position with your arms at the back of your head, stretch your legs. Then, lift your back and shoulder off the ground. Just as you are doing this, raise a bent knee to your chest while moving your other elbow to the center. The elbow should meet the knee and then you can hold this position for few seconds. Now, go back to the starting position and use the other knee and elbow.


shapeminow Running | ShapeMiNow is your go-to store for all kinds of body shapers, dresses, and statement pieces.

As you run, you burn calories all over your body and this targets your belly fat. Running is one of the most effective ways to shed calories from the body. With good shoes, you can hit the road and begin exercising. You can start by walking and then picking the pace as you progress. It is quite easy for every female to run.

Bear Crawl

Get down on all fours and ensure your knees and hands are inline. Now, slowly lift your knees up. Keep legs and arms width apart and straighten your back. Then begin to move your left leg and right hand to the front. Then repeat same with the right leg and left hand. Keep repeating the move.

20 Minute Total Body Exercise to reduce belly fat for female at home in 7 days to 14 days.

Please follow this workout routine to burn fat off your body.

7 Days Diet Plan to Lose Belly Fat in 2 weeks

So the see lose belly fat this meal plan in 7 day, you need to go with below food selection and you also need to watch your positions you will be eating on calorie deficit.

On average the calorie deficit for ladies is within 1,200 to 1,500 calorie, but to be accurate for your weight and age, you need to go to this page enter you age and details for it calculate your calorie deficit for you so you can eat accordingly using the plan below.

More explanation on calories can be found here in this post

Day 1

  • Breakfast: Omelette with pepper and spinach combined with green tea
  • Lunch: Chicken breast with salad leaves, green pepper, and olive oil
  • Dinner: Vegetable soup

Day 2

  • Breakfast: Chicken breast with broccoli
  • Lunch: Mixed salad with baked haddock
  • Dinner: Wheat vegetable soup

Day 3

  • Breakfast: Oats with raspberries and orange juice
  • Lunch: Turkey breast with steamed broccoli
  • Dinner: Chicken pea pasta

Day 4

  • Breakfast: Smoked salmon with pepper and spinach
  • Lunch: Stir fried chicken breast with green oil
  • Dinner: Wheat bread with soup

Day 5

  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with green beans and tomato
  • Lunch: Grilled prawn with salad and tomato
  • Dinner: Veggie soup

Day 6

  • Breakfast: Omelette with tomato and green pepper
  • Lunch: Spinach and salad
  • Dinner: Brown rice and grilled turkey

Day 7

  • Breakfast: Grilled haddock with pepper
  • Lunch: Vegetable salad
  • Dinner: Spaghetti squash with chicken

Now you need to use the same meal plan for additional 7 days you really want a diet plan to lose belly fat in 2 weeks.

Here is what to do on the first day week 2, you must have known how much of or the quantity of this meals you were eating daily.

With that knowledge, simply observes yourself to see if you are getting leaner on your belly or not.

If you are getting lean, then maintain or continue eating same food portions but if you did get leaner, end of 7 days, you have to still reduce the food portion/ size then try to also increase your workout level.

That mean if you were performing just 10 or 20 minutes of exercises daily, please increase it to 30 minute.

If you canโ€™t increase to 30munite, start walking down your street more frequent or dance as a hobby.


With hard work and consistency and the above 7 days diet plan to lose belly fat in 2 weeks you will be able to lose belly fat in 2 weeks.

And then you can begin to wear those tight fighting dresses you love so much.  Belly fat is not healthy so you should do everything possible to avoid it. I hope you have seen that it is totally possible to lose stomach fat in 7 days to 14 days; I wish you luck in the fitness journey.

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