7 Colors that Looks Good in Yellow and Green: What Colours Goes with Yellow and Green Clothing

Clothes are boring without color, and not just this perhaps applies to everything in life. Think about it, why are Ice Cream flavors different colors?  In most cases, besides the taste, the color of the ice cream is what makes you decide which flavor you wish to buy.

Why are there different colors of cars, iPhones, paint, and even water bodies? Some are blue – reflecting the ever-clear skies, while some are green, brown, and so on.

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Colours make the world pop. Aesthetics and beauty in today’s world are primarily a function of color. In scientific terms, though, colors are a function of light. The different colors we see are a reflection of the sunlight that brightens everything around us. If there were no light, there would be no colors. Everything would be in darkness, and I am sure you agree that it won’t be a desirable state.

As humans, we express our creativity in colours. And because there are so many colours, humans have developed a rather complex way of differentiating colours. Some they ascribed to natural objects like lemon green and others that come with it. E.g., there are actually up to 101 shades of grey. And this is grey alone.

But in this article, we will focus on just clothes.

There are three primary colors; red, yellow, blue, and pretty much anything that goes with them.

But then is the brown and yellow combination good? Our answer is a bold no. Yellow is a bright color and brown is slightly dark but not dark enough to contrast yellow. You don’t want to end up looking like a clown whose makeup went wrong.

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What color looks good with yellow?

So if you can’t wear that, what colors look good with yellow is the first question that comes to you. And below are options of colours you can combine with yellow:

Black and Yellow

The first choice of colour with your yellow pants or top or blows is black. Petty much, black is a neutral color and can work with anything. You can wear a yellow T-shirt and black jeans or a yellow shirt and black trousers or yellow top, blows and literally anything with black. You can even wear a yellow tie with a black jacket, white shirt and black trousers or skirt. Black is a match-making colour that looks put together and lovely.

White and Yellow.

White and yellow is another perfect combination that will leave you looking outstanding and classy in the crowd

Dark blue and Yellow.

Dark blue are somewhat universal or neutral color that can go well with almost any colour. It is my favorite neutral colour , and just like black, a dark blue can go nicely with yellow.

Purple and Yellow

Though this colour combination might seem feminine, however, a guy can also rock these two colours, and you will look charming as a dark-skinned guy. Just try it and ask someone with good style sense to check it out before going to your event.

Yellow and light Grey and white 

Next colors you want to consider with yellow are gey and white. These will come out very colourful and beautiful.

Yellow  and green

Geen and yellow is my least favorite colour, but some people like it, and they sure can go together. But careful when trying this out, you know to try out different variations of yellow and green to know which looks the best.

Dark Brown and Yellow

One common question I get asked a lot is, “is brown and yellow color combination good?” well, the answer is yes, you can marge a yellow top, shirt, skirt or trousers with a brown. Brown is a very comfortable color made from a mix of black, grey, orange, red, purple, and green. Though these two are not my favourite, but you can never go wrong with them.

What color looks good with green?

When you think of green, the collours that will go well with are many, but let’s begin with the fact that yellow is one color that goes well with green. The others are as follows:

  • White
  • Brown
  • Grey
  • Blue,
  • pink
  • Violet etc.

So What color looks good with green and yellow?

The thing is, many colors will go well with green and yellow. For instance, green T-shirts are great with blue jeans; you can wear a yellow sneaker to support the color harmony.

Modern fashion requires a lot of experimenting and courage. People these days die their hairs yellow and sometimes pink.

Other colours also look good in yellow and green and they include; black, grey and red. You can wear black with either yellow or green.

You can wear blue and black. Picture a black jacket and navy blue pants for your Monday. Isn’t that awesome.

I know some colours typically scream corporate, but it depends on how you wear them. For example, pink shirts can be corporate. I don’t know anything about a pink tie, though. Blue

shirts can be very corporate, but you can wear a dark blue T-shirt, black or blue jeans, and red sneakers for a hangout. The more colors, the merrier, right.

Let’s look at each collour separately:

what color goes with yellow and purple?

Purple is not a very popular colors for casual wear. Purple like grey is a prestige color and features more in silk suits, dinner gowns and formal clothing. It is possible to see jeans, sneakers, and T-shirts in these colours but it may not be very advisable to wear them on certain occasions.

Purple sneakers can go with a yellow T-shirt and black jeans if you must wear purple. You can also wear a purple jacket over blue or black pants and then a yellow tie.

Now you know what wear yellow and purple. Also, don’t forget what color goes with yellow and green?

The keyword is harmony. As long as all the colours have some theme, you’re good. But please do not overdo it. Do it just right; that way, you will always look fantastic while still flaunting your fashion style.

In trying to look fashionable, always consider the occasion first before what you want to wear. Different functions call for various appearances. Going on a date, for instance, will require another type of wear than going to a funeral. The same will apply if you are going to a wedding or class.

They are all occasions but have different requirements. That’s because humans are social animals. We create social expectations and adhere to them.

No one needs to say out loud that you shouldn’t wear a T-shirt to an interview, but subconsciously, everyone knows. A person who does not confine can sometimes be frowned upon in must situation

No one wants someone to appear in their pajamas for their birthday party. When one is unsure of the occasion, it is often better to err on the side of surplusage than not to dress up to the minimum expectations. For example, it is easier to forgive a person entirely on a suit for a date than a person wearing sleeveless sportswear to a date.

The fun part is that you have to keep the colours in mind when determining which is appropriate for the occasion. Color blunders are prevalent when you do not pay attention. Do not, for example, wear orange and green.

They are two colors that stand apart from each other. They do not in any way complement each other.

I hope you have learned a little about colors and wears for different occasions. But don’t take my word for it; experiment and explore. Fashion, after all, was born of the experiment.

You will attract cringes and stares on your journey to your fashion sense and style. Who cares, right?

What matters is that you feel comfortable and happy doing what you love doing. Remember to try to conform to the social expectations for wear; if you do not,

you may find crowds exhausting. Always mix the right colors and keep exploring. There are over a thousand color shades, and the one lifetime might prove grossly insufficient to explore them all.

At least not unless you change four or five times a day to wear new clothes.

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